We all have a personal list of topics we believe are taboo.  With the endless and constantly growing amounts of information easily available on the web, we may be confronted with our personal taboos more often than ever before.  By definition, a taboo is something we feel should be banned.  So – what about free speech?

With few limits, Americans are guaranteed the right to free speech.  That means express our opinions, even if no one agrees – or likes what we have to say.  That isn’t comfortable, nor should it be. There is no creative tension in total agreement. Lack of creativity makes our culture, and our personal lives, stagnant and deadly dull.

So – what do we do when we see or hear something which we disagree with?  While there are times when discretion may rule, in general, I think we should SPEAK OUT.  Speaking out intelligently means we have to know our subject, which, in turn, means facing our taboos.  I was struck, rather forcefully, by one of my own recently.  I’ll share it here – by link, for you to decide how you would deal with this particular subject.  It’s tempting to ignore what makes us uncomfortable.  But it behooves those who are privileged to live in a society where freedom of speech is a right to be informed.

If you are one of the many who think that ugliness is best ignored, or if you think that those who foster hate are somehow less than human and don’t want that idea challenged, DO NOT click on THIS LINK.

WAIT! Before you choose to click, please know that this is a real story, about real people, and a real element in our society that seems to be gaining momentum. It is not a story of some obscure crackpot notion that can simply be ignored.  You may have nothing to say, and no forum in which to say it, yet.  But please – BE INFORMED!